TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) is a welding method which uses infusible (tungsten) electrode in the gaseous environment for welding with the arc, formed between the tungsten electrode and the welded piece.
TIG welding features a sufficiently high welding quality, however slow welding speed is one of the main disadvantages of this method.
TIG welding robots are not in great demand, as the quality of the welding seam considerably depends on the angle of the TIG electrode holder in respect with the piece. Different seams are obtained as a result of variation of the angle by merely 3 degrees.

Slow welding speed and considerably large heated area result in intense deformation of the welded metal. Deformation of the welded metal causes alteration of the welding seam; to avoid this deficiency, special fixing molds are used with additional cooling and/or automatic seam tracking system. Despite the above mentioned deficiencies, this type of robot system is quite efficient for welding large quantities of products: within the given time, this system is capable of welding the same quantity of products, as 3-5 welders, yielding similar seams of similar quality.
The main advantage of this robot system is low price, compared to the other welding systems, as well as simple and low-cost maintenance.
The TIG type robot welding systems are usually obtained with a goal to increase production efficiency, to improve the welding quality in processes where manual welding was commonly applied.
As the welding process is absolutely understandable to the production parties, introduction of the robot usually yields maximum results.